
USB Thief : Hack Myspace account passwords

Posted by Niketan Patil at Wednesday, June 23, 2010
In my previous article on hacking myspace passwords, i mentioned about 4(+1) popular ways to
hack myspace account passwords
. I mentioned about myspace hacking software - USB Thief to hack myspace account passwords. Now, here in this post, i will tell you about myspace password hacker
USB Thief
- software in usb drive to hack myspace, msn and other important passwords.

What is USB Thief ???

USB Thief is a hacking software which is to be taken in usb drive and you have to only connect this USB thief containing usb drive to victim computer. When usb is safely removed from victim computer, you are able to get all stored passwords on victim computer alongwith various licences, browser cookies and much more private data stored on victim computer.

Use USB Thief to hack myspace password :

1. Download USB thief.
   Password :

2. Unzip this zip file by Winzix and you will see USB.exe setup. Run this setup.

3. Now, on running this setup, USB thief will ask for file location in which it should be installed.

3. Connect usb drive to your computer and assign usb drive as installation path to usb thief. Remember to extract this USB thief in root of usb drive and not in any folder in usb drive.

4. USB thief is now installed on usb drive and ready to hack myspace passwords. Simply, connect this USB thief containing usb drive to victim computer and open this usb drive on computer.

5. USB thief will extract all private information on computer and safely remove usb drive.

How to see hacked myspace passwords :

1. Now, connect this usb drive to ur computer and open it.

2. You will see a folder named "Dump". Open it and you will see all private data on victim computer.

3. Thus, dump will contain hack myspace passwords and thus his myspace account password hacked.

Note : USB Thief will hack myspace passwords only if myspace passwords are stored on victim computer. Also, your antivirus might report many virus alerts while running setup. Dont worry, these are not viruses but actually, these are password stealers and your antivirus may contain virus definition files for these passwords hackers. So, while running setup, simply disable antivirus guard. Also, try your best to disable antivirus even on victim computer before connecting usb thief on computer to be hacked.

If you want to know more refer usb thief video.

Update: If you want to hack Myspace and other email account passwords, please use the best Hacking Software- Winspy Keylogger which is FUD (Fully UnDetectable). This is personally recommeded keylogger from wildhacker.

You will require to have Winzix to get USB Thief. Download Winzix here.

Thats it. Thus, you can use
USB Thief to hack myspace passwords
as explained in this myspace hacking article. USB thief can not only hack myspace account passwords, but also many other account passwords which are stored locally on computer. I have just taken myspace as an example. If you have any problem in using usb thief to hack myspace account password, mention it in comments section.

Enjoy Hacking.....